Дополните предложения, употребив some, any, no. 1. I'd like to take … photos, but there...

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59 просмотров

Дополните предложения, употребив some, any, no.
1. I'd like to take … photos, but there is … film in the camera.
2. Do you have … plans for tonight? – I have … housework to do this evening.
3. I have … music on my MP3 player. Do you have … good music for the party?
4. Sorry, I've got … time to talk now. – OK, … problem. We'll talk later.
5. Would you like to visit … museums? – Thanks. I'd like to see … churches.

Английский язык (259 баллов) | 59 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов
1. I'd like to take some photos, but there is no film in the camera.
2. Do you have any plans for tonight? – I have some housework to do this evening.
3. I have some music on my MP3 player. Do you have any good music for the party?
4. Sorry, I've got no time to talk now. – OK, no problem. We'll talk later.
5. Would you like to visit some museums? – Thanks. I'd like to see some churches.

(2.8k баллов)