СРОЧНО!!!! Give 2-3 arguments against this statement. Some people think that young people...

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133 просмотров

Give 2-3 arguments against this statement.
Some people think that young people should follow in their parent's footsteps when choosing a profession.

Английский язык (329 баллов) | 133 просмотров
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Comment on the following statement: Some people think that young people should follow in their parents' footsteps when choosing a profession. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan:
- make an introduction (state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position
За­да­ние 40 № 791
Чтобы успеш­но на­пи­сать вы­ска­зы­ва­ние с эле­мен­та­ми рас­суж­де­ния сле­ду­ет:

- стро­ить вы­ска­зы­ва­ния в со­от­вет­ствии с пред­ло­жен­ным пла­ном;
- на­чи­нать вве­де­ние с об­ще­го пред­став­ле­ния темы и пред­ло­же­ния, отоб­ра­жа­ю­ще­го ее про­блем­ный ха­рак­тер;
- во вве­де­нии не­об­хо­ди­мо пе­ре­фра­зи­ро­вать тему/про­бле­му, ис­поль­зуя си­но­ни­мич­ные вы­ра­же­ния;
- в ос­нов­ной части сна­ча­ла вы­ска­зать свое мне­ние и ар­гу­мен­ти­ро­вать его, затем пред­ста­вить точки зре­ния дру­гих людей и дать ар­гу­мен­та­цию, по­че­му с ними не со­глас­ны;
- при­во­дя контр­ар­гу­мен­ты, от­ста­и­вая свою точку зре­ния, же­ла­тель­но ис­поль­зо­вать пе­ри­фраз, си­но­ни­мию;
- в за­клю­чи­тель­ном аб­за­це еще раз ука­зать на про­блем­ный ха­рак­тер темы, по­ка­зать, что вы спо­соб­ны ви­деть и дру­гие точки зре­ния, тем не менее ваша ка­жет­ся вам более убе­ди­тель­ной;
- де­лить текст на аб­за­цы, ко­то­рые от­ра­жа­ют со­дер­жа­тель­ную и ло­ги­че­скую струк­ту­ру тек­ста;
- сде­лать вве­де­ние и за­клю­че­ние при­бли­зи­тель­но оди­на­ко­вы­ми по объ­е­му;
- раз­бить ос­нов­ную часть как ми­ни­мум на два аб­за­ца, при­бли­зи­тель­но оди­на­ко­вых по раз­ме­ру;
-сле­дить за тем, чтобы общий объем ос­нов­ной части был не мень­ше об­ще­го объ­е­ма вве­де­ния и за­клю­че­ния;
- осо­бое вни­ма­ние уде­лять сред­ствам ло­ги­че­ской связи тек­ста, как внут­ри пред­ло­же­ния, так и между пред­ло­же­ни­я­ми.

После вы­пол­не­ния за­да­ния уде­ли­те вни­ма­ние про­вер­ке и под­сче­ту ко­ли­че­ства слов (долж­но быть 200—250 слов).

При­мер со­чи­не­ния:

Nowadays it is rather hard to choose the right profession for young people because there are so many occupations in the world. Some teenagers simply follow in their parents’ footsteps when choosing a career without thinking through. However, some people think that choosing a profession should depend on interests and individual qualities.
As for me, I think a person should choose a profession independently. To begin with, people are different let alone their interests, so consideration one’s strong points and individual qualities when choosing a profession is very important. Furthermore, if a person chooses the career he or she is fond of, the likelihood of becoming successful and independent is higher because this person will always know what to do and never leave things half done.
On the other hand, some people claim that following in parents’ footsteps when choosing a profession gives more chances to gain success easily and fast. In their mind, parents will always help and encourage their children with the occupation, so the first steps of a career ladder will be easy.
I cannot agree with these people. If a person chooses the career he or she really likes and will never give up on anything, becoming successful will be a matter of time because one will do the best to achieve great accomplishments.
To sum up, I would say that picking the right profession is very important. The occupation that tailors to one’s interests and hobbies will bring a lot of satisfaction and help become a successful person.

(138 баллов)