Какие из английских шуток основаны на игре слов? Обведи ДВЕ буквы выбранных ответов. А. Patient: Doctor! You've got to help me! Nobody ever listens to me. No one ever pays any attention to what I have to say. Doctor: Next please. Б. Mike: Call me a doctor! Jane: Are you sick? Mike: No, I just graduated from medical school! В. Mom: Did you enjoy your first day at school? Girl: First day? Do you mean I have to back tomorrow? Г. Teacher: Can anyone give me a sentence with the word "analyze" in it? Dick: Anna says she met him at the concert, but Anna lies. Д. Teacher: Do you have trouble making decisions? Student: Well...yes and no. ------- Я ответила под буквой "Г", но не знаю какая вторая шутка основана на игре слов. Помогите пожалуйста.