Помогите пожалуйста решить аттестация

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28 просмотров

Помогите пожалуйста решить аттестация


Английский язык (30 баллов) | 28 просмотров

Сфоткайте получше, пожалуйста


больше нет возможности сфоткать


у учителя пока отходил сфоткал


в последнем Have you read his article about space ....&

Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов
Правильный ответ

1) 1 a
2 c
3 a

2) 1 it's warm and wet
It's cool and wef
It's snowy and sunny

3) 1 b
2 a
3 a
4 b

4) 1 a
2 c
3 c
4 a
5 c
6 b

5) If I were you I would visit the old man
If the girl layed the table, her aunt wouldn't be angry with her
Ann would have behaved well if you had taken her to the party

6) I am sure that he'll succeed in politics. He is bright and ambitious
On July 4th , 1776 the American colonies declared their independence from Britain

(235k баллов)
0 голосов

1a 2c 3a
It is warm and wet.
It is chilly and damp.
It is snowy and sunny.
1c 2b 3a 4 не видно
1a 2c 3c 4a 5c 6b
1. If I were you...
2. .... her aunt would not be angry with her
3. Ann would have behaved well if....
1. ambitious
2. independence
3. не видно

(638 баллов)