Как читается этот текст по русски не перевод:Very often We have an opinion about a person simply besause that person belongs to a certain group of people: young or old, men or women, Americans or Chinese. Such opinions are called stereotypes. lf you have a stereotype, you think that all people in a group think, act and look the same. But this is not true. ln every group, people are different. lf we have stereotypees, we may treat people unfairly. For example, the young girl in the story "The Rose Pin" did not want to meer her great-grandmother besause she had a stereotype about old people. But after she knew her great-grandmother better, the girl changed her opinions.
lf you do not like or do not trust somebody besause of a stereotype, you have a prejudice against that person(or group of people). People have prejudice besause of religion, race, ability, age, gender or anything about a person that makes him/her different (appearance, dress, class in society). Prejudice is dangerous besause it leads to discrimination. Русскими буквами пожалуйста очень надо