1 this is a suitcase - These are suitcases.
2 it is a purse - These are purses.
3 that is a pilot - Those are pilots.
4 She is from New York - They are from New York.
5 this is a bee - These are bees.
6 Is that a shelf? - Are those shelves?
7 you are a teacher. - You are teachers.
8 this is a glass? - These are glasses.
10 that isn't a towel. - Those aren't towels.
11 are you American? - Are you Americans?
12 That is a spoon. - Those are spoons.
13 Is this a mosquito? - Are these mosquitoes?
14 it isn't a truck. - These aren't trucks.
15 this is a watch. - These are watches.
16 I'm here on business. - We are here on business.
17 Is that a spoon? - Are those spoons?
18 he Is from Russia. - They are from Russia.
19 it isn't a key. - These aren't keys.
20 that Is a women. - Those are women.