Я хочу сочинение про любимого вида спорта по англ яз и это мне срочно надо

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Я хочу сочинение про любимого вида спорта по англ яз и это мне срочно надо

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 49 просмотров
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Волейбол . The composition "My Favorite Sport" or "Volleyball"

I like outdoor games, including with the ball. And the most favorite sport is volleyball. We often play it in physical education classes at school. My friends and I pull the net in the yard, collect the two teams and throw the ball. This occupation I like a lot more than sitting on a bench and chattering with boredom. On the beach or in nature we also like to play volleyball. However, without a grid it is not so convenient.

I like this game because it has simple rules. It is necessary to land the ball on half of the opposing team. In this case, you can not kick the ball with your foot, you can only beat it with your hands. No wonder the word "volleyball" means "flying ball". The win is considered on points, so there is always a chance to change the score to your advantage.

Volleyball develops dexterity and strength of hands, speed of reaction and accuracy of the eye, and also attentiveness. Those who play a lot of volleyball have a well-developed coordination of movements.

Since it is impossible to hit the ball with your feet, you do not need to run around the court like a head, as in football. But the legs still train when you jump up, like on springs. The volleyball player's movements are light, graceful and beautiful. And this game is not one that takes a lot of energy.

Therefore, I like to play volleyball most / (myself) more than watching competitions on TV, for example. Although it can be interesting and watch the others, because volleyball is included in the program of the Olympic sports.

Volleyball is a very gambling game, it firmly unites the players of one team. Here you have to fight for the team, worry for the luck of all. And the victory brings me a lot of fun, which can be shared with your team!

(159 баллов)