1.the islands first became famous when Charles Darwin Found there a
key to " that great mystery of mysteries-the first (APPEARance) of new
life on this earth.
2.Today the islands belong to Ecuador , and 97%
of the area is a natiomal park.However despite this (PROTECTion) the park
is in danger.
3.the most serious threat comes from (ilLEGAL)fishing,
which is slowly destroying marine life. Every day nets trap and kill
sharks, pelicans and dolphins.
4.Another threat comes from animals
brought over by people who have come to live on the islands. Dogs and
cats eat the sea birds, and rats and pigs eat turtle eggs. (GETing )these
animals off the island is difficult and expensive.
5.The Galapagos Islands in the Pacific ocean are (NATURal )wonders of the world.