1. Переведите ** английский язык. А) Моя мама увлекается садоводством. Б)Моя сестра...

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50 просмотров

1. Переведите на английский язык.
А) Моя мама увлекается садоводством.
Б)Моя сестра занимается фитнесом, потомучто хочет быть в хорошей спортивной форме.
В)Ты умеешь хранить секреты?
Г)Когда ты обычно ложишься спать?
Д)Мы часто ходим на прогулку в этот парк.

2.Превратите предложения в разделительные вопросы.
А)You went abroad last summer,...?
Б)Her sister doesn't know French, ...?
В)Your brother is writing a test now,...?
Г)They have finished their work,...?
Д)You arrange parties rather often,...?

3. Заполните строки по смыслу словом.
А) Christopher Columbus had ... many during his life. (hobbies, models, adverts, adventures)
Б)Who is the ... of this book? (author, model, story, detective)
В)... stories always tell about different crimes. (musical, political, detective, popular)
Г)It's very good for healfh to spend much time in the ... . (library, traveling, open air, plane)
Д)We use ... to wash our face and hands. (advert, soap, comedy, ship)

Английский язык (131 баллов) | 50 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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A) My mother is fond of gardening
B) My sister is engaged in aerobics, because she want to keep sport fit.
C) Can you save secrets?
D) When do you usually go to bed?
E) We often go to walk to this park.
А)You went abroad last summer, don't you?
Б)Her sister doesn't know French, does she?
В)Your brother is writing a test now, isn't he?
Г)They have finished their work, haven't they?
Д)You arrange parties rather often, don't you?
А) Christopher Columbus had many adventures during his life.
Б)Who is the author of this book?
В) Detective stories always tell about different crimes.
Г) It's very good for healfh to spend much time in the open air.
Д) We use soap to wash our face and hands.

(548 баллов)