Model:Without / not having a signature on the payment order we
couldn’t execute payment. (not)
1. Not / without knowing all the details, he couldn’t consult her.
2. Not / without making an exceptionally high profit you won’t be criticised.
3. Not/ without being guilty he didn’t feel his fault.
4. Not / without having been instructed by the manager of the firm, they insisted on the reduction of the financial backing of the company.
5. You won’t manage to strike a balance not / without participating in the bank’s money policy committee.
6. Depository institutions can’t worknot / without offering their customers the opportunity to pay recurring bills by telephone.
7. John sat not / without speaking to anybody and looked very worried.
8. The annual simple interest states how much money the bank will pay on a deposit at the end of one year not / without compounding.
9. Not / without having their own lorries they couldn’t keep the budget.
10. Not / without having placed the order with the firm, they won’t receive a quotation to supply office furniture.
11. Not / without having a capacity to produce the order, they refused to take it in addition to the budgeted turnover.
12. It’s natural that Coburn will be reluctant to ship $400,000 worth of gears not / withoutfirst having some assurance they will get paid.