1. Subjunctive mood. 1. If I ______________ (be) you, I would get rid of these pimples....

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1. Subjunctive mood.
1. If I ______________ (be) you, I would get rid of these pimples.
2. If we had left earlier, we _______________________ (come) on time.
3. What would you do if you ________________ (have) a million dollars?
4. If Jane ________________________ (not eat) so many sweets, she wouldn`t have got pimples all over her face.
5. If only I _____________________ (not cheat) at the test yesterday!
6. I wish I _____________________ (be) a famous singer! I would travel around the world with my concerts!
2. Transform the following sentences using the structure to have smth done.
1. I want to change my hairstyle. I ______________________ (hair/cut) at the hairdresser`s tomorrow.
2. My car broke down last week. I ______________________ (it/repair) only yesterday.
3. We never plant the flowers in our garden. We usually _________________ (they/plant) by a professional gardener.
3. Modals
1. - I got D in English literature because I didn`t read “The White Fang”.
- I could have helped/must have helped you if you asked me to.
2. You needn`t have watered/shouldn`t have watered the flowers . I`ve already done it.
3. - I did so badly in my writing test! – Well, you should have studied/might have studied harder then!
4. Linda should be here by now. I don`t understand why she`s not here yet! – She might have missed/must have missed her bus. It`s not like her to be late.
5. Kate, could/may you go out to the blackboard?
6. You may be/maybe right, but let me have a look at your project first.
7. You shouldn`t/mustn`t smoke in the library. It`s prohibited.
8. I didn`t have enough money to pay the bus fee, so I had to/must walk home.
9. If you want to lose some weight, you should/must eat more vegetables.
4. Ing-forms and the Infinitive.
1. I can`t stand to work/working long hours.
2. They enjoyed to be/being on holiday by the sea.
3. She refused to take/taking the money.
4. We were late. Tom suggested to take/taking the taxi.
5. It was a wonderful holiday. I`ll always remember to see/seeing the Niagara Falls.
6. I am really looking forward to start/starting my course.
7. His parents don`t allow him to stay up/staying up after twelve.
8. I don`t mind to give/giving you a lift to the restaurant.
9. Please, remember to hand/handing in the project by Monday. It`s your deadline.
10. It`s raining outside. I`d better to stay/stay in and read a book.
5. Adverbs: degrees of comparison. Choose the correct variant.
1. Jack is hard/hardly a man to be afraid of.
2. We think very high/highly of his new book.
3. Think hard/hardly before you give your answer.
4. In the theatre I prefer to sit near/nearly the stage.
5. I got the phone call late/lately at night.

Английский язык (3.6k баллов) | 137 просмотров
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1) 1. I was...
2.would had come
3. had
4. hadn't eaten
5. didn't cheat
6. was

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