Умаляю , помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно нужно! Даю 20 баллов Задания: №1. Образуйте...

0 голосов
41 просмотров

Умаляю , помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно нужно!
Даю 20 баллов

№1. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих прилагательных.
Shot, long, wide, dirty, clean, dark, light, thick, thin, cold, dry, silly, weak, tall, strong, heavy, happy, big.
Beautiful, old, bad, brave, comfortable, cheap, hot, pretty, expensive, difficult.
№2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя необходимую степень сравнения прилагательных.
The rooms are (clean) than they used to be.
It’s (cold) here than in Moscow.
This is (expensive) book of them all.
His answer was (bad) than I thought.
The Nile is (long) than Dnipro.
№3. Вставьте глагол to be в форме Present, Past, или Future Simple.
Where … your brother now? – He … in his room.
……. she….. at work tomorrow? – Yes, she …..
………. you at school yesterday? – Yes, I ….
My sister …. at school now. She … not at home.
We … pupils last year, but now we …. students.
№4. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в форме Present, Past, или Future Simple.
Я сейчас дома.
Вчера он был на работе.
Завтра ее не будет дома.
Дети в парке. Они не дома.
Он не был вчера в школе. Он был дома.
№5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в таких временах: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple; Present Progressive (Continuous).
She (to go) to school every day.
Ann (to go) to school at the moment.
He (to go) to school tomorrow?
She (to live) in France five years ago.
Usually he (to come) home at seven o’clock but yesterday he (to come) at nine.
We (not to go) to the theatre next Friday as we (to be) there a week ago.
What he (to do) now? – He (to paint) the wall.

Английский язык (29 баллов) | 41 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов

1)Shot- Shotter- The Shottest
Long- Longer- The longest
Wide-Wider- The widest 
Dirty- Dirtier- The dirtiest
clean- cleaner- the cleanest
dark- darker- the darkest 
thick-thicker- the thickest  
thin-thinner- the thinnest
cold- colder- the coldest
dry- drier- the driest 
silly-sillier- the silliest
weak- weaker-the weakest
tall-taller- the tallest 
strong- stronger- the strongest 
heavy-heavier- the heaviest
happy- happier- the happiest 
big- bigger- the biggest 
Beautiful- more beautiful- the most beautiful
old-older(elder)-the oldest (the eldest)
bad- worse-the worst 
brave- braver- the bravest
comfortable- more comfortable- the most comfortable
cheap- cheaper- the cheapest 
hot- hotter- the hottest
pretty- prettier- the prettiest
expensive- more expensive- the most expensive
difficult- more difficult- the most difficult 
2) cleaner, colder, the most expensive, worse, longer, better, politer, the oldest, more intelligent, highest
3)here is your brother now? — He is in his room.
Will she be at work tomorrow? — Yes, she will
Were you at school yesterday? - Yes, I was

(19 баллов)

А продолжение где? Номер 2, Номер 3 , Номер 4 и Номер 5, сделай пожалуйста, иначе я буду вынужден отметить этот комментарий как нарушение :(


но я не знаю как другие делать....


Ладно, хорошо) И на этом огромное спасибо )))


Удалять не буду)


там 2 задание добавила

