Даю очень много баллов, просто срочно надо) Само задание: Complete with the Present...

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101 просмотров

Даю очень много баллов, просто срочно надо)
Само задание: Complete with the Present Simple Passive of the verbs in brackets.
1 Lots of mobile phones (buy) from this shop every day.
2 Sushi (eat) in Japan.
3 The cows (not feed) once a day. They (feed) twice a day.
4 The books (pack) in boxes before they (take) to the bookshops.
5 The rooms in this hotel (clean) every morning.
6 Free T-shirts (give) to fans at concerts.
7 My sister (not call) Sammy . Her name is Sally .
8 This magazine (deliver) to our house every month

Английский язык (1.0k баллов) | 101 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Правильный ответ

1. Lots of mobile phones are bought from this shop every day.
2 Sushi is eaten in Japan.
3 The cows aren't fed once a day. They are fed twice a day.
4 The books are packed in boxes before they are taken to the bookshops.
5 The rooms in this hotel are cleaned every morning.
6 Free T-shirts are given to fans at concerts.
7 My sister isn't called Sammy . Her name is Sally .
8 This magazine is delivered to our house every month

(2.3k баллов)

А откуда формы глаголов во втором и 3 предложении, объясните пожалуйста


Eaten и fed - третья форма глаголов eat и fed. При пассивном залоге, который как раз используется в этих предложениях, глаголы должны сочетаться с глаголом to be и стоять в третьей форме.

0 голосов

Buy -bought
eat- ate
feed- fed
take -took
clean -cleaned
give -gave

(305 баллов)