Описать картинку ** английском(не менее 13 предложений)

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30 просмотров

Описать картинку на английском(не менее 13 предложений)


Английский язык (623 баллов) | 30 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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1) In the picture we can see a family of three, sitting at the table.
2) It is evening.
3) In the foreground there is a table with different dishes on it.
4) The people are having a very good time, they aresmiling.
5) I think, it is summer as they arewearing light clothes.
6) The man is wearing a white shirt, the woman is wearing a light blue dress. The child is wearing a white polo-shirt.
7) The man isholding a glass of water in his hand.
8) Their child is eating something but we can't see what it is.
9) In the background there is a sand beach and sea.
10) The sea is dark blue.
11) I think that the family is having a holiday .
12) It looks like they are enjoying themselves very much.
13) This picture makes me feel optimistic.
(63.6k баллов)
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The photo shows a family that is having a meal at, what seems to be, a restaurant by the beach. They are sitting by a table and posing for the photo. They are sitting close to each other. There is a father, a mother and a little child in the photo. The parents are facing the camera and the child is looking down. The child doesn't seem to know what is going on around him. He is not paying attention. Also, the parents are smiling and the child is eating something. The father is wearing a white shirt. He is holding a glass of water. The mother is wearing a blue top and holding the child. The child is wearing a white shirt similar to his dad's and is holding food in his hands. We can't see what trousers or shoes they are wearing because the lower part of their bodies are covered by the table. A blue and white chequered tablecloth is covering the table. There are many glasses, plates with food and bottles on the table. The family seems to be happy and enjoying themselves. The weather is nice and the sun is shining.

(54.3k баллов)