Лера решила познакомиться с Кейт. Lera: Hellow! Im Vera' s friend. Im Russian. Im from Moscow. Kate: What's your name? Lera: Oh, yes! My name is Valeria Petrova, but my friends call me Lera.Kate: How oldare you? Lera: l'm 11 yearsold. Kate I'm 11 too.When's your birthday? Lera: On Awgyst 16th. Kate: That's great! My birtday is in August, too. Can you send me yoir photo, please? I want to post you a letter with my photos. Kate : Ok. My address is namber 18 Lime Avenue, Newtown. Lera: Can you spell that, pleass? Kate: L-I-M-E A-V-E-N-U-E N-E-W-T-O-W-N. Lera: All right . Thank you very much. Goodbye! Kate: Write soon. Goodbye! Перевести текст на русский.