How many seasons are there in the year? What are they? Which season do you like best , and why? Какая сейчас погода? или Какая погода была вчера?
2. In what season of the year does nature return to life? Which are the spring months? In what month do trees break into blossom?
Какой прогноз погоды на завтра ( на воскресенье, на январь и т.д.)?
3. When does a rainbow appear in the sky? What are its colours? Why do we admire a rainbow? Какое твое любимое время года / месяц и т.д.?
4. Which are the summer month? Which month is the hottest in your town? What is your the usual summer temperature in your town? Does the temperature ever rise 40 degrees in your town? На улице тепло/ холодно/жарко/идет дождь/ идет снег и т.д.?