I love my father very much. From the outside it seems ordinary. His father is tall, with his blue eyes, dark hair, straight nose. In
childhood and youth, his father was engaged in athletics, so he has a
beautiful athletic condition, he is strong, strong, hardy, smart. I love when we arrange with him various sports competitions. At this time it seems to me that next to me is not a father, but my senior friend. In
the blue eyes of his father there are fun lights, his lips are smiling,
and from this his whole face seems to be getting younger. But my father not only plays with me, he is able to listen carefully to me. Father is my first advisor in all problems. When we talk, his father's eyes change again. Now I see in them attention, kindness, wisdom, calm and again the same flame. My father is talking to me as an adult. And I am very proud of this. I do not like to upset my father, because then, in his eyes, my favorite light fades out. They dull, and I see them pain or shame for me. I really love my father's eyes, I saw them different spirits and different feelings. But never had any lies or falsehood in them. I'm sure my father's eyes will never betray me.