Australia, officially called the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country and sovereign statein the southern hemisphere, located on its own continent between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Its capital city is Canberra, and its largest city is Sydney.
Australia is the sixth biggest country in the world by land area, and is part of the Oceanicand Australasian regions. Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and other islands on the Australian tectonic plate are together called Australasia, which is one of the world's great ecozones. When other Pacific islands are included with Australasia, it is called Oceania.
23–24 million people live in Australia, and about 80% of them live on the east coast. The country is divided up into six states, and more than half of Australia's population lives in and around the cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.
Australia is known for its mining, its production of wool, and as the world's largest producer of bauxite. Its emblem is a flower called the Golden Wattle.