1.пасха -Easter is the feast of the resurrection of Christ. This holiday came to Russia from Byzantium together with baptism at the end of X century. Since Russia is widely across, beautifully and solemnly celebrate this Christian holiday.
2. рождество -Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, with the advent of people who found hope in the mercy, kindness, truth and eternal life. The Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas according to the Julian calendar January 7, unlike Western churches celebrate it on December 25 in the Gregorian calendar.
3.иван купала Even in the time of paganism in ancient Rus existed, the deity is bathed, personifying summer fertility. In his honor in the evening and sang songs, and jumped over the fire. This ritual act has become an annual celebration of summer solstice, combining a pagan and Christian tradition. Ivan bathed the deity was named after the baptism of Russia, when he was replaced by none other than John the Baptist (or rather his people's way), who baptized Christ and whose Nativity was celebrated on June 24.
4. масленница-In the old days Maslenitsa was considered the holiday of all souls. So burning carnival - it's her funeral, and pancakes - a memorial feast. But time passed, and Russian people, hungry for fun and relaxation, turned the sad holiday into Jolly Maslenitsa. But there was a tradition of pancakes - round, yellow and hot as the sun, and it included riding in a horse-drawn sled and sleigh rides with icy mountains, fist fight, Teschin gatherings. Pancake rituals are very unusual and interesting because they combine the completion period of the winter holiday rituals and the opening of a new, spring season holidays and ceremonies that were to facilitate obtaining a rich harvest.
5. свадьба-The official religion of Kievan Rus to Christianity, was proclaimed in the IX century. And from that moment began the formation of a traditional Russian wedding ceremony and lasted for seven centuries. With the introduction of Christianity, marriages began to take shape through the Church wedding ceremony. The Christian Church for centuries fought against paganism, but to eradicate it completely failed. With the result that the Christian tradition is closely entwined with pagan beliefs. Only to the XVI century fully formed wedding ritual with clearly defined stages, wedding paraphernalia, clothing and treats. At the same time and there was a wedding folklore. But in different regions wedding ceremonies were very different, because the wedding has always been a game action, and came to this "performance" differently even in two nearby villages. Yet, despite these differences, there was a core of about wedding ceremonies, repeated from village to village from city to city.