Умоляю помогите нужно прямо сейчас пожалуйста☺️

0 голосов
45 просмотров

Умоляю помогите нужно прямо сейчас пожалуйста☺️


Английский язык (16 баллов) | 45 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов

We have already sent the invitations
We haven't bought the rings yet.
We have already chosen the food
We haven't confirmed a hotel yet.
We have already booked the wedding procession
We haven't found the photographer yet
I have been to Britain several times -я был в Британии несколько раз
She has lived in spain since 1994 - она живет в испании с 1994
We have been married for five years - мы женаты уже 5 лет
I have made coffee for you - я приготовил кофе для тебя
Bob never has had a bike - у Боба никогда не было велосипеда/мотоцикла.
4. Have you already washed your hands?
We have just phoned the doctor
Has she ever ridden a horse?
I have never danced the tango
The train hasn't arrived yet
We have known him for six months
Jack hasn't played hockey since last winter
Mary has been a real friend since our childhood
They have lived in Tokyo for a long time
My dad has worked as a builder for three years.

(1.6k баллов)

спасибо большое


ты мне очень помог


а тут лучший ответ авторы вопросов ставят или кто?


не знаю