watched/told/had/come/arrived/missed/studied/past/called/spoke/got up/did/went/found/followed/worked/stopped/called/tried/paid/caught/was/left/knew/were/brought/dropped/jogged/occured/were/met/slept/went/flew
Did she visit her parrents last weekend?
Did not he clean the room before school?
Did teacher find the missing exams?
Did Tom want to go to the movies alone?
Did not Helen offer H* a piece of cake?
Did not I know what to do?
Ты принципе понял?
Чтобы построить вопрос в Past надо вспомогательный глагол вывести на 1 место, а основной глагол будет в обычном инфинитиве, а если вопрос отрицательный, то прибавляешь ещё not -> didn't = did not.
Просто писать долго, надеюсь помог, удачи!