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In Britain, Tourist Information Centres can arrange short stays in Hotels, Guest Houses and Bed & Breakfast establishments. Bookings can be made either by phone or in person on arrival in large towns or cities. Clients can usually specify the part of town where they want to be based, though this may limit their choice of price-range. It is helpful to state whether you are looking for economical, medium-priced or luxury accommodation. A small deposit is usually required which is returnable if you inspect the room and decide you do not want it. If you take the room, the deposit is deducted from the bill.

For longer stays or holidays in other countries, it is usual to go to a travel agency. You can collect brochures from rival companies which offer packages in the countries and resorts which you are interested in. Many people go home and study the information. The booking forms on the back of the brochures contain the information which the travel agent needs to know, should you wish to go ahead. You will need to decide the number in your party, the resort, the departure date, the duration, the type of accommodation, the eating arrangements ( full board, half board or self-catering ), travel or transport options ( e.g. air or sea ), car hire, equipment hire (e.g. skis), excursions, insurance cover and the method of payment.

When you return to the travel agent, you may have further questions to ask about the facilities for children, elderly or disabled people, the activities available or places of interest within easy reach of your resort. If you have chosen an all-inclusive package you may wish to know whether your investment contributes to the local economy of your holiday resort, whether it brings business and employment to local residents or whether your presence merely helps to exclude them from the best parts of their own beaches.

Discussion questions:

1. Do you prefer to book holidays through travel agents or to make your own arrangements? Describe your best and worst holidays?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of TWO of the following forms of holiday accommodation:

(a) five star hotel (b) budget hotel (c) guest house
(d) bed & breakfast (e) self-catering villa (f) farmyard cottage
(g) ocean liner (h) student family (i) youth hostel
(j) caravan (k) tent (l) canal boat ?

3. Which form of accommodation did you have on your last holiday? Were you satisfied with it?

4. Which form of accommodation would you prefer for your next holiday and how many people would you like to accompany you?

5. What are your favourite holiday activities?

6. Has your country been spoilt by tourist developments?

7. A friend wants to get to know your country and is planning a tour. What advice would you give about places to visit, travel, accommodation, eating out, shopping, sightseeing, things to bring and souvenirs to buy?

Английский язык (137 баллов) | 260 просмотров
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В Великобритании туристические информационные центры могут организовать кратковременное пребывание в отелях, гостевых домах и заведениях типа "постель и завтрак". Бронирование можно сделать как по телефону, так и лично по прибытии в крупные города или города. Клиенты обычно могут указать часть города, где они хотят базироваться, хотя это может ограничить их выбор ценового диапазона. Полезно указать, ищете ли Вы экономичное, среднее или роскошное жилье. Небольшой депозит, как правило, требуется, который возвращается, если вы осмотрите номер и решите, что вы не хотите его. Если вы берете номер, депозит вычитается из счета.

При длительном проживании или отпуске в других странах, как правило, ходят в туристическое агентство. Вы можете собирать брошюры от конкурирующих компаний, которые предлагают пакеты в странах и курортах, которые вас интересуют. Многие возвращаются домой и изучают информацию. Формы бронирования на обратной стороне брошюр содержат информацию, которую необходимо знать турагенту, если вы хотите продолжить. Вам нужно будет выбрать номер в вашей партии, курорт, дату отъезда, продолжительность, тип проживания, питание ( полный пансион, полупансион или самообслуживание ), путешествия или транспортные варианты ( например, воздух или море), аренда автомобилей, аренда оборудования (например, лыжи), экскурсии, страховка и способ оплаты.

Когда вы вернетесь к турагенту, у вас могут возникнуть дополнительные вопросы относительно удобств для детей, пожилых людей или инвалидов, доступных мероприятий или достопримечательностей в пределах легкой досягаемости от вашего курорта. Если вы выбрали пакет "все включено", вы можете узнать, способствует ли ваши инвестиции местной экономике вашего курорта, приносит ли это бизнес и занятости местных жителей или просто помогает ли ваше присутствие исключить их из лучших частей их собственных пляжей.

(200 баллов)

G) On the liner you can see a beautiful scenery and even see some fish, but also if the liner stall you will be able to stay alone in the middle of the ocean


i) There, if you are teenager, you can make friends and play games, which are interesting for you, but also if other people are wild and bad, they can injure yourself


j) Caravan is funny) There are many people, what you can make friend with, but people can be bad and will be able to injure yourself


k) It is very interesting to sleep in the tent, but also it’s dangerous. For example you can be stolen by a bear from the forest


l) canal boat is interesting, because you can fishing, swim and just also look at fish, but if you are far from the shore, you can be tilted by a big fish and choke in the water


3) last holidays we were in Sochi. There we were at fife star hotel and close to the sea


4)For my next holiday I prefer beach holiday


5) 5) My favorite holiday activity is going for a walk with my friends


6) I think yes sometimes, but I don’t remember this


7) I will him advice not to come in our country, because there are more bad than good. But he will be able to buy Matreshka as a souvenir.