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Английский язык (86 баллов) | 61 просмотров
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Halloween is a festival that is celebrated on the 31st of October. This day is the eve of All Saints' Day. The word “Halloween” is hundreds of years old. It comes from medieval England. But the origin of Halloween dates back hundreds of years to the Druid festival. They celebrated “All Hallows” Eve (in Old English “hallow” means “saint”). Long before this Celtic pagan tribes inhabited the territories of modern England. They thought that the year consisted of two parts – summer (bright part) and winter (dark part). The God of the Sun was taken prisoner during the winter. According to Celtic calendar the 1st of November was the day when the Druid New Year began. So they believed that just before this day witches and other evil spirits were playing tricks on human beings to mark the beginning of “dark” winter and the reign of the Lord of Death. Many ghosts and witches on the Earth and that they met on October 31 to worship the devil. People lit bonfires and made sacrifice.These old traditions can still be found in countries of Celtic influence today. For example, in the United States children wear scary costumes of ghost and skeletons and masks (false faces) and go trick-or-treating. Trick-or-treating is the main Halloween activity for children. But what is trick-or-treating? Children go from door to door saying “trick or treat”. The neighbours give children treats like candies, fruit and pennies so that children do not play tricks on them.Another Halloween tradition is making jack-o'-lanterns out of pumpkins. Jack-o'-lantern is a carved hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. They also carve out rounded eyes in pumpkins and put a burning candle inside them so that they become visible from far away. There is an Irish legend which says that jack-o'-lanterns were named after the man called Jack. He was a miser and could not enter heaven, neither could he enter hell because he had played jokes on devil. As a result, Jack has to walk on the earth with his lantern until Judgment Day.Storytelling about ghosts and witches and fortunetelling and are popular activities on this day. Today, people do not believe in ghosts and witches but they like to tell stories about them on Halloween. The custom of telling ghost stories on Halloween comes from the Druids. Fortunetelling is an important part of Halloween. Earlier a coin, a ring, and a thimble were baked into a cake. People believed that the person who found the coin would become wealthy. The one who found the ring would marry soon. And the person who found the thimble would never get married.
(136 баллов)

One of the national festivals of English-speaking countries is Halloween. It takes place on October 31 on Allhallow’s Eve. The pumpkin is a symbol of this festival in which offensive face is cut out. A lighted candle is put into the pumpkin. It was considered that pumpkin left about the house on All Saints' Day drove off malignant demons. The song “Monster Mash” by Bobby Pickett is an informal hymn of this festival. On this day part

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One of the national festivals of English-speaking countries is Halloween. It takes place on October 31 on Allhallow’s Eve. The pumpkin is a symbol of this festival in which offensive face is cut out. A lighted candle is put into the pumpkin. It was considered that pumpkin left about the house on All Saints' Day drove off malignant demons. The song “Monster Mash” by Bobby Pickett is an informal hymn of this festival. On this day parties are held and people put on suits of the terrible creatures and monsters from films. Children go from house to house, sing songs and try to get sweeties. Besides that games and fortune-telling are widely spread on Halloween. At night children and teenagers tell each other horror stories and legends and the most popular legend is about Bloody Mary. She is said to appear in a mirror when her name is called three times. Organization of attractions where visitors are got scared is also an important tradition. On this holiday television broadcasts a lot of horror films and animations. On this day we can show our fantasy and live in the world of dead for a little while. Halloween has been gaining in popularity in Russia recently.
Один из национальных праздников в англоязычных странах – это праздник Хэллоуин. Его отмечают 31 октября в канун Дня всех святых. Символом этого праздника является тыква, на которой вырезано устрашающее лицо. Внутрь тыквы помещается зажженная свеча. Считалось, что тыква, оставленная в День всех святых около дома, отгоняет злых духов. Неофициальным гимном праздника является песня "Monster Mash" певца Бобби Пикэтта. В этот день устраиваются вечеринки в честь праздника, люди наряжаются в различных страшных существ и монстров из фильмов. Дети ходят по домам, поют песни и выпрашивают сладости. Помимо этого в Хэллоуин распространены гадание и игры. Ночью дети и подростки рассказывают друг другу страшные истории и легенды, самой популярной является легенда о Кровавой Мэри. Говорят, если назвать её имя три раза, смотря в зеркало, то появится её призрак. Также важной традицией является организация аттракционов, где пугают посетителей. В этот праздник по телевизору показывают много ужасов и страшных мультфильмов. В этот день можно проявить свою фантазию и немного пожить в мире мёртвых. В последнее время праздник Хэллоуин в России приобретает большую популярность.

(73 баллов)