The idealfor mehas always beenmy mom.She is verykind, beautiful, affectionateand considerate.Thatis, once Igot to her feet, taughtto see, think, understand, do notbreak, do nottrample on,not to spoil.instructed:
- Do notbe greedy, take, how muchyou eat, while otherswill comeafter you, leavethem.Shelearnedto stopblood from ascratchpiece ofplantain.Throughout themother cansee the beauty: in thewinterblizzards,andfloweringgardens.When we arehard,findthe right words, fromwhich you want tobe happyand do nothang uphis nosein unpleasantsituations.
Every motheris admirable,because that's whatshe wants toraise her childfor the worldand work.My motherputsher childinhis heart and soul, strength, heart, love, trying toraise asmart, kind andpositivein everyperson.
Our mothers....How manycares, theypour outon us,how much attention!And weis sometimeswicked,cruel,indifferentto theirpain andsuffering,above all,puttingtheir personal interests.
I wish thatall the childrenbelonged totheirmotherswith great respectand love.