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1. The Russian Academy of Sciences consists of full members (academicians), corresponding members and foreign members.
2. During the first five years of commercial development, GSM has enjoyed startling success.
3. When electronics came along, the electromechanical control of the common control system was replaced with electronics, and the network, or matrix, was usually replaced with tiny glass- encapsulated reed switches.
4. This was the time when science was gaining ground and rapidly accumulating the true knowledge about the nature based on the experiment mathematical methods.
5. Cellular and personal communications services have been widely implemented industrialized countries and are quickly penetrating developing countries.
6. The International Data Corporation (ЮС) estimates that the number of its users will increase from 23% in 1999, to 36% in 2004.
7. We had been improving quality for 2 years before we reached good results.
8. The scientific and historical manuscripts of the Academy are preserved in the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences.