Напиши слова и переведи их. 1 [tʃeɪn] 2 ['aɪlənd] 3 [stretʃ]_ 4 ['vælɪ] 5 [ɔ:l'redɪ] 6...

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Напиши слова и переведи их.





















Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильном времени.
One day Miss Honey, Matilda's teacher said to her class:"Tomorrow the Headteacher (1 come) and inspect you. She (2 ask) you a lot of questions. (3 Be) ready (4 answer) them.
"You (5 come) to school on time?"
"You (6 do) your homework?"
"You (7 go) to the library?"
"You (8 write) your test well?"
The children in the class (9 become) frightened. They (10 know) what Miss Trunchbull, their Headteacher (11 be) like.


Поставь глаголы в скобках в Настоящем Совершенном времени.

1) We never (be) … to the USA and we (not see) … its capital.

2) I’m sure Boris (read) … this story.

3) You (write) … the letter yet?

4) She says she (never, speak) … to any famous traveller.

5) We (come) … . Where is Andrew? – He (take) … the children to the zoo.

6) Kate (not, eat) … her vegetables. She says she doesn’t like them.

7) Max (fall) … from his bike.

8) You (ring) up … Betty? – Yes, I … . She (already, begin) … preparations for the party.

Очень нужно!!!!Пожалуйста,помогите

Английский язык (125 баллов) | 68 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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1chain-цепь 2остров island 3 stretch-пространство 4долина valley 5already уже 6  небоскреб skyscraper 7 remember помнить 8дикий wild 9 proud гордый 10 приносить в прошедшем вр bring-brought
will come, will ask 
are to answer
do you come....
do you do..
do myou go...
do you write...
became, knew, was

have never been, have not seen
has read, have you written
has never spoken
have come, has taken
hasn't eaten, has fallen
have you rung, has already begun

(1.9k баллов)