Срочно!!Помогите пожалуйста написать сочинение ** английском "Путешествие ** Венеру(Марс...

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Помогите пожалуйста написать сочинение на английском "Путешествие на Венеру(Марс и т.д., любую планету)"!! Только не с интернета, своё! пожаалуйста!!

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 83 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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In October 2030, the rocket was launched with the goal journey to Mars.Humanity had long prepared for this event and finally it happened!At exactly 4 p.m. the rocket starts to leave the earth and in 6 months will be on Mars.It's been 6 months.The rocket landed on Mars.The astronauts wondered how Mars is similar to Earth but without water and atmosphere.After some time they decided to look around.Some time later, they noticed movement in the sand.They thought what they thought but suddenly again.They slowly approached the place.A closer look, they are very much surprised.It was a creature resembling a kitten.After this incident, they'll give a speech that will rock the whole world.And they will say that Mars has LIFE!!!

(78 баллов)

а можно по теме сочинение?? не про космонавтов, а про то что я была ьам, фантастика должна быть!?


In 2030 scientists have developed a device for greening of Mars.The missile was ready and after a month the whole world watched as the rocket leaves the Earth and in 6 months will be on Mars.Since the day the rocket left the Earth a year has passed and scientists have made a sensational statement!According to them in 5 years on Mars will be to send people!The application filed more than a billion people.


But Mars had at least 10,000 people.5 years later was chosen as 10 000 people.Among them was I!!I was so glad this event that's beyond words!!!Through the year, our rocket was ready and we went to Mars!!For the 6 months of holding in the way I have found so many friends, how many had no one!A week later we landed.Out on the surface of Mars were shocked.It was not that red and lifeless Mars,it was a planet where everything was!Each gave their own house!


Going home, I threw things and ran to see the surrounding area!!I have been defeated seeing as I run away animals like deer!In the sky flying birds!In the distance I heard the sound of a waterfall!I ran to the sound and saw!!It was the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life!The water was azure blue,a little away was seen in the young animals.Coming closer to the water I saw is not like earthly fish creatures!They swam synchronously without missing a beat.


It was evening, I quickly climbed the hill and began to watch the sunset!It was not like earth,its main colors were light blue and purple!!It was getting dark!I slowly began to go to his house!Since Mars has no satellites in the night was very dark,only lanterns illuminated the town.Looking at the sky, I saw the beauty of our universe!


The sky was our entire milky way galaxy!!A journey to Mars is the best thing that could happen to me!!!


Вот!Прошу прощения что сначала было не по теме.Надеюсь помог!!!)