Выберите нужное словоI permitted/persuaded him not to go there.He used his...

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219 просмотров

Выберите нужное слово

I permitted/persuaded him not to go there.

He used his efect/influence to reform the company's policy.

It was hard resisting/committing the temptation to open the box.

What's come/gone over him? He looks annoyed.

It is positive/essential that you keep working hard if you want to g
et a pay rise.

Вставьте слова (with who, which, where, why or when) в пустое место
1. The boy
is standing over there is our new teacher

2.The cafe
Pat and Sue met is next to the lake.

3.Do you know the reason
he is so nervous.

4.That's the church in
my parents got married.

5.The wedding is a day
I was so happy.

составьте предложения используя who, which or whose.

1.The letter hasn't arrived yet. He posted it three days ago.

2.The sweets are delicious. We bought them yesterday.

3. My parents moved to the city to find work They were born in a sm

4.This is Jane. Her sister is my coach.

5. They are playing a song on the radio. It's my favourite.

Английский язык (37 баллов) | 219 просмотров
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Правильный ответ

1) persuaded  
2) who
3) The letter, which he posted three days ago, hasn`t arrived yet.
The sweets, which we bought  yesterday, are delicious.
My parents, who had been born in a sm, moved to the city to find work.
This is Jane, whose sister is my coach.
They are playing a song, which my favourite, on the radio

(86 баллов)