16 How do you (get) to work as a rule? —
I usually (go) by bus but tomorrow I (am going ) in Tom's car.
17Why are you (putting) on your coat? -
I (am going) for a walk. Are you (coming) with me? ~
Yes, I'd love to come. Do you (mind) if I bring my dog?
18How much do you (owe) him? — I (owe) him £5. ~
Do you (intend) to pay him?
19 Do you (belong) to your local library?- Yes, I do. -
Do you (read) a lot? ~
Yes, quite a lot. ~
How often do you (change) your books? ~
I (change) one every day.
Mary usually (learns) languages very quickly but she (does not seem) able to learn modern Greek.
I always (buy) lottery tickets but I never (win) anything.
Do you (like) this necklace? I (am giving) it to my daughter for her birthday tomorrow.
I won't tell you my secret unless you (promise) not to tell anyone. ~ I (promise).
Do you always (write) with your left hand?
Do you (love) him?-
No, I (like) him very much but I (do not love) him.
26 Do you (dream) at night?-
Yes, I always (dream) and if I (eat) too much supper I (have) nightmares.
The milk (smells) sour. Do you (keep) milk a long time?
These workmen are never satisfied; they are always (complaining).
We (are using) this room today because the window in the other room is broken.
He is always (saying) that he will mend the window but he never (does) it.
Do you (know) why an apple (falls) down and not up?
Are you (writing) to him tonight? -
Yes, I always (write) to him on his birthday. Do you (want) to send any message?
Tom and Mr Pitt (are having) a long conversation. I (wonder) what they (are talking) about.
Do you (believe) all that the newspapers say? - No, I (do not believe) any of it. -
Then why do you (read) newspapers?
This car (is making) a very strange noise. Do you (think) it is all right?-Oh,
that noise (does not matter). It always (makes) a noise like that.
The fire (is smoking) horribly. I can't see across the room. - I (expect) that birds (are building) a nest in the chimney. -
Why don't you (put) wire across the tops of your chimneys? -Tom (do) that sometimes but it (does not seem) to make any difference.