Описание меня и мамы СРОЧНО КОРОТКА

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28 просмотров

Описание меня и мамы СРОЧНО

Английский язык (18 баллов) | 28 просмотров

Ты мальчик или девочка ?



Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов

The most important person to me is my mom. My mommy friendly, kind, gentle, affectionate, cheerful. She is of medium height, slender as birch, and is very feminine. She has beautiful curly hair, resembling a Golden eared field. My mom's eyes blue as cornflowers. They are always clear, radiant goodwill. The lips of my mother's bright red like a ripe cherry. My mom's face always lit by the gentle smile which lifts the mood and reduces fatigue. Mother says quietly, gentle tone. To listen and to talk to her interesting and enjoyable. My mom is very patient, flexible. Its all respect and love. She is able to support in difficult minute and give good advice. I love my mom and thank her for everything she has done and is doing for me. My mother I love for her beauty, kindness, and just because she's my mom. Because the best mom in the world one does not. Mom takes care of my brother since birth, gives us his warmth, kindness and her motherly love. Even when we grow up, mom still loves us as a child. In life often need to call the mother with gentle words: mommy, mommy. Even if we behave badly, mother will continue to love. And I was really proud of my mom.

(223 баллов)


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Самый дорогой человек для меня — это моя мама. Моя мамочка приветливая, добрая, нежная, ласковая, жизнерадостная. Она умеет поддержать в трудную минуту и дать дельный совет. Моя мама среднего роста, стройная, как березка, и очень женственная.
У нее прекрасные кудрявые волосы, напоминающие золотое колосистое поле. Глаза моей мамы голубые, как васильки. Они всегда ясные, излучающие доброжелательность.
Губы ее ярко-красного цвета, словно спелые вишни. Лицо ее всегда озарено ласковой улыбкой, которая поднимает настроение и снимает усталость. Говорит мама спокойно, ласковым тоном. Слушать и разговаривать с ней интересно и приятно. Мамочка моя очень терпеливая, покладистая. Ее все уважают и любят. Я очень горжусь своей мамой.
The most precious person for me is my mother. My mother is affable, kind, gentle, affectionate, cheerful. She is able to support in a difficult moment and give good advice. My mother is of medium height, slender, like a birch, and very feminine.

She has beautiful curly hair, reminiscent of a golden cornfield. My mother's eyes are blue like cornflowers. They are always clear, radiating goodwill.

Her lips are bright red, like ripe cherries. Her face is always illuminated with a gentle smile that lifts the mood and relieves fatigue. Mother says calmly, in a gentle tone. Listening and talking with her is interesting and pleasant. My mother is very patient, complaisant. Everyone respects and loves her. I'm very proud of my mother.

(771 баллов)