Решить и написать способ решение, умоляю, заранее спасибо
оба вариаента?
Хотите плделм я сделаю 2 ой вариант?????
Второй варриант готово смотри фото
HistoryT'Challa rules the technologically advanced African kingdom of Wakanda. In addition to having peak human physical abilities, his mystical link to the Panther God grants him superhumanly acute senses and allows him to also wear the ceremonial mantle of the Black Panther.Black Panther must balance his duties as a king with his responsibilities as a hero. This tension occasionally strains his standing with his allies in the Avengers, as well as the respect of his own people.
На английские слова внимание не обращай. Решил только 1 вариант.
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