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The problem of punishment.
Compared with other aspects of the Criminal Lew, the question of punisment is the most difficult. For the lawyer it is a question whioh present special problems for a variety of reasons. The punishment of a criminal is a combined operation of Parliameny, the courts, and the administration. The range of penalties whioh may be imposed is in most cases set by the legistature, which fixes the maximum sentences for different offences. For the majority of offences only the maximum penalty is prescribed by law, so that the court is left free to select in each case the appropriate sentence.
if the accused has never before been convicted of crime, the sentence is not likely to be severe, unless the crime is one of violence. first offenders are usually treated with sympathy. if, on the other hand, the accuused man has a long record of convictions, the judge will pass a more severe sentence.
after the court has selected what sentected seems suitable, the carrying out of this sentence falls to the lot of those who administer the penal system.
one result of this is that once sentence has been passed, the courts are no longer concerned with the offenders fate:their task is concluded