Упражнение 49.Заполните пробелы производными от местоимений some, any, noи прилагательного every.
1. Give me______ to eat, please!
2. I don't know______ about this company. Can you tell me
_____about it?
3. I'm afraid, I remember_________ about his invitation.
4. There is______ brown in the bag. What is it?
5. Is there______ you want to tell me?
6. Is the book on the table? — No, there is_______________ there.
7. Has_____ got a passport?
8. ____ knows that there is no water on the sun.
9. There is______ in apartment 6.
10. Is here______ who lives in Boston?
11. Is there______ here who speaks Italian?
12. I can't see my glasses__________ .
13. She got her bag ___ and now she can't find (находить) it.
14. ____ can tell (сказать) you how to get there.
15. ____ tells me you've got bad (плохие) news for me.