1. .In.. a mixed economy the government may be a producer.of.. private goods, for example, steel and motor cars.
2. An increase .in.. the price .of.. an input will lead to a reduction .in.. the demand for ... that input.
3. The firm can sell as much as it wants ..at. the market price.
4. A consumer's tastes and income as well as prices ..of. other goods influence his or her demand.
5. Consumers almost always respond to an increase .in.. a good's price .with.. a reduction .in.. the quantity .of.. it consumed by... them.
6. A change ..in. the supply .of.. a good and in its demand both influence
its equilibrium price.
7. Rupert Murdoch, the media magnate, is planning to supply the services
through... his network satellites .for Internet development. If Internet is
operated .through.. satellites, there will be access .to.. it .through.. televisions and mobile phones, not only through personal computers, .in.. the near future.
8. .In.. a command economy, plans are imposed ..on. producers ... by government agencies.
9. Scientists and engineers have been developing substitutes for... natural
building materials for... several past decades.
10. Supplying people .with.. food as well as industry .of.. raw materials, agriculture is ..of. utmost importance .for.. an economy