complete the text with am,is,are or,aren't. Jane is going to be very busy next week.On...

0 голосов
92 просмотров
complete the text with am,is,are or,aren't.

Jane is going to be very busy next week.On Monday Jane is going
to visit her dentist.on Tuesday Jane and her sister ... going to visit
their sick granny.
When ... she going to arrange her birthday party? - On
Saturday.Her classmates ... going ti giveher a little puppy.Jane loves
pets.Where ... she going to walk her puppy? - In the park.Jane's parents
... going to give her a trip to London, ... they? ... you going to come
to her birthday party? - Yes,I ...

Английский язык (31 баллов) | 92 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Are, is, is, is, are,aren't, are, am

(28 баллов)