СРОЧНО!ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ!!! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!! Даю 10 баллов 1.Для примера я возьму дружбу Шэрлока...

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17 просмотров

1.Для примера я возьму дружбу Шэрлока и Ватсона. Их делает такими друзями полное понимание и доверие. Хотя они очень разные,но они,как половинки одного целого.
2.Дружба возникает между двумя людьми и может продолжаться сколько угодно. Но настоящие друзья познаются в беде. Ведь другом может казаться человек, который на самом деле просто знакомый. Настоящий друг придет,
даже если это будет зима, лето, ночь, день все равно должны помочь.

Английский язык (15 баллов) | 17 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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1. For example, I'll take the friendship of Sherlok and Watson. Makes them such friends, the full understanding and trust. Although they are very different,but they are like halves of a whole.
2.Friendship occurs between two people and can continue indefinitely. But true friends are learned in trouble. Because a friend may seem like people, which is really just an acquaintance. A true friend will come
even if it is winter, summer, night, day should still help.

(82 баллов)

For an example I'll take the friendship of Sherlock and Watson. They make such friends a complete understanding and trust. Although they are very different, they are like halves of one whole.
2. A business arises between two people and can last as long as desired. But true friends are known in trouble. After all, a friend may seem to be a person who is actually just an acquaintance. A true friend will come,
Even if it is winter, summer, night, day, all the same should help.

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1.For an example I'll take the friendship of Sherlock and Watson. They make such friends a complete understanding and trust. Although they are very different, they are like halves of one whole.
2. A business arises between two people and can last as long as desired. But true friends are known in trouble. After all, a friend may seem to be a person who is actually just an acquaintance. A true friend will come,
Even if it is winter, summer, night, day, all the same should help.

(14 баллов)