key words: summer, do, birthday
1. giving news, expressing congratulation
2. My penfriend Peter is going to read my answring letter.
3. My letter will include congratulations of birthday to Peter, story about my summer holidays and asks about plans about birthday party of Peter.
4. I will ask next questions: What are you planning for your birthday? Party? Journey? Or may be you will go to a concerrt or sports competition?
key words: together, come, visit
1. giving news
2. My penfriend Robert is going to read my answering letter.
3. My letter will include thanks for caring of me, a story of my return to home, my sorrows about our parting and promices of faster comeback.
4. I will ask the follow questions in my letter: How did you survive after me out? ;) What plans do you have for The nearest future? How long did aunt Jill shout when she had found her coat painted in black colour?