Надо написать предложение(отрицательный,положетельное и вопросительное) во всех временах....

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60 просмотров

Надо написать предложение(отрицательный,положетельное и вопросительное) во всех временах.
D.Dontsova writes detective writes

Английский язык (29 баллов) | 60 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов
D.Dontsova doesn't  write detective writes
D.Dontsova write detective writes? 
D.Dontsova  wrote detective write
D.Dontsova didn't  write detective writes
Did D.Dontsova write detective writes?
D.Dontsova will write detective writes
D.Dontsova won't write detective writes
Will D.Dontsova write detective writes?

D.Dontsova is  writting  detective writes now
D.Dontsova isn't writting  detective writes now 
Is D.Dontsova writting  detective writes now?
D.Dontsova was  writting  detective writes at that moment
D.Dontsova wasn't  writting  detective writes at that moment
Was D.Dontsova writting  detective writes at that moment?
D.Dontsova will be  writting  detective writes 
D.Dontsova won't be  writting  detective writes 
Will D.Dontsova be  writting  detective writes?
D.Dontsova has already written  detective writes
D.Dontsova hasn't already written  detective writes
Has D.Dontsova  written  detective writes already?
D.Dontsova wrote many books before she had written detective writes 
D.Dontsova  hadn't  written detective writes
Had D.Dontsova written detective writes?
D.Dontsova will have written detective writes by the time you come back 
D.Dontsova will not have written detective writes
Will D.Dontsova  have written detective writes?
D.Dontsova has been writting detective writes 
D.Dontsova hasn't  been writting detective writes
Has D.Dontsova been writting detective writes? 
(2.7k баллов)

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