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Английский язык (256 баллов) | 24 просмотров
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Engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel was born in Portsmouth, UK, he worked in the office of his father and helped in designing Tamanskogo of the tunnel . He designed the Clifton Suspension bridge, and Hungerfordi Suspension bridge over the Thames, and the Great East (1837),great Britain , and Great Eastern(1858) , he was also appointed engineer of the great Western railway and built many docks. Best known for the creation of the great Western railway, a series of famous steamships,and various bridges, most of which are active. It Tesinsky tunnel is part of London underground, and the Building of the Engines became a Museum. Brunei's projects were not always successful, but innovative. Brunei has done a lot of engineering "Things of first necessity, has become an example for many engineers and innovators.
(200 баллов)