Exercise 45.Choose the appropriate pronoun.1. She was said that (someone/anybody) was...

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238 просмотров
Exercise 45.Choose the appropriate pronoun.1. She was said that (someone/anybody) was waiting for her in the street. 2. He was standing bythe window and was looking (nobody/somewhere) on the right. 3.1 don't remember (someone/anyone) else, 4. Have you read (something/anything) by Oscar Wilde? 5. Could yougive me (something/anything) to eat? 6. If (someone/anyone) comes, let me know immediately.7.1 haven't heard from her for a month. I am afraid, (nothing/something) has happened to her. 8.Have you read (something/anything) about this author? — No, I've read (something/nothing). 9.She refused to say (something/anything) because she thought she was being treated unfairly. 10.What's the Batter? Why are you crying? Has (anything/something) happened to your mother?She told me she'd had a heart attack yesterday. 11. Would you like (something/ anything) todrink? Whisky or gin? 12. She is still (nowhere/somewhere) abroad. 13.1 have (anything/nothing) to add. 14. The sick man was able to get up without (someone's/anyone's) help. 15.(Anybody/ Nobody) could do this work. It's very simple.

Английский язык (107 баллов) | 238 просмотров
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1. She was said that someone was waiting for her in the street.
2. He was standing by the window and was looking somewhere on the right.
3.1 don't remember anyone else,
4. Have you read anything by Oscar Wilde?
5. Could you give me something to eat?
6. If someone comes, let me know immediately.
7.1 haven't heard from her for a month. I am afraid, something has happened to her. 8.Have you read anything about this author? — No, I've read nothing.
9.She refused to say anything because she thought she was being treated unfairly. 10.What's the Batter? Why are you crying? Has something ( сомневаюсь)  happened to your mother?She told me she'd had a heart attack yesterday.
11. Would you like something to drink? Whisky or gin?
12. She is still somewhere abroad.
13.1 have nothing to add.
14. The sick man was able to get up without anyone's help.
15. Anybody could do this work. It's very simple.

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