Первая картинка:2-d;3-c;4-b
вторая картинка:возле крана,на ручке духовки,ручкат самой последней полки, на доске возле сыра и мяса
третья картинка:(woman) are there any woman in the park? Yes there are some woman.How many woman you can see? I can see two woman.
(ducks) are there any ducks in the park? Yes there are some ducks in the park. How many ducks you can see? I can see three ducks.
(Monkeys) Are there any monkeys in the park? No there aren't.
(dogs) Are there any dogs in the park? Yes there are some dogs in the park. How many dogs you can see? I can see four dogs in the park.
пятое упражнение:
2) going
3)to see
первое упражнение:
2) its very hot
3) the fridge
4) and vegetables
втрое упражнение:(надо подчеркнуть неправильные вещи и соединить их с предложениями)
открытая дверца холодильник-keep the door of the fridge closed
фрукты и овощи на столе-wash fruit and vegetables
немытые руки-wash and dry your hands