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Помогите составить 10 специальных и 10 общих вопросов по английскому(по этому тексту)!


Английский язык (114 баллов) | 64 просмотров
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1.Was Joseph Montgolfier relaxing in front of the fire with his laundry drying nearby?
2.Did he notice that one of his shirts have start to float upwards?
3.Did Joseph love science and want to become an inventor?
4.Did the Montgolfier brothers quickly realise that it be heat and not smoke that have the power to lift things?
5.Was the first hot-air balloon made from paper and cloth?
6.Did they burn some straw underneath balloon?
7.Were the Montgolfier brothers too nervous to go uo in the balloon themselves?
8.Was the new invention a great success?
9.Did some members of the French Royal Family gather to watch the balloon floating high in the sky?
10.Did the brothers ask the king for permission to sent men up in the balloon?
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(362 баллов)

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1.When did The Mongolfier brothers present their first hot-air balloon? остальное через 20 мин, я чуток занята


2.When was Joseph Mongolfier relaxing in front of the fire?


3.When did he come to the conclusion that smoke have the power to lift things up and carry them through the air?


4.What is the name of Joseph's brother?


5.Who did brothers put in the basket that hung below the balloon for the 2-mile journey?


6.When did the first flight consisting of himan passengers take place?


7.Who did present the first hot-air balloon?


8.Who was too nervous to go up in the balloon themselves?


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