Нужно перевести текст с английского ** русский. В правильном расположении слов Вот текста...

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Нужно перевести текст с английского на русский. В правильном расположении слов
Вот текста русском
Чарльз Чаплин прославился в эпоху немого кино, когда создал образ интеллигента-бродяжки Чарли, застенчивого, вороватого человечка, который смело выступал против несправедливости. И даже когда в 1927 году начали снимать звуковые фильмы, Чаплин еще десятилетие оставался верен своему прежнему немому образу. За свою жизнь он исполнил 80 ролей и стал известен во всем мире как комедийный актер, но он был еще и сценаристом, режиссером, продюсером и даже композитором собственных фильмов. Чаплин награжден множеством международных премий, но главная его награда — любовь публики.

Английский язык (74 баллов) | 55 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Charles Chaplin became famous in the era NM movie when he created the image of a smart-brodsky Charlie, a shy, decent man who courageously spoke out against injustice. And even when, in 1927, started shooting sound films, Chaplin more than a decade remained were his former way of NM. During his life he poll 80 roles and has become known worldwide as a Comedy actor, but he was also the aroma, register, manufacturer, and even compose their own films. Chaplin many assessment international premium, but his assessment — the love of the public.
(136 баллов)

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Charles Chaplin became famous during the era of silent cinema, when he created the image of the intellectual-stroller Charlie, a shy, thievish little man who bravely opposed the injustice. And even when in 1927 they began to make sound films, Chaplin remained faithful to his former silent image for another decade. During his life he performed 80 roles and became known throughout the world as a comedian, but he was also a screenwriter, director, producer and even composer of his own films. Chaplin was awarded many international prizes, but his main award is the love of the public.

(122 баллов)