Monument Motherland in Kiev - a kind of symbol of the feminine principle, the strength of the spirit of the Ukrainian people. Sculpture is installed on the Dnieper slopes, so the motherland is visible even from the most remote points of Kiev. The monument is the center of the National Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. It is interesting that the height of the monument exceeds the height of the Statue of Liberty in America. Sculpture Motherland from the pedestal to the tip of the sword reaches 62 m, and the total height with the pedestal is 102 m. In one hand it has a 16-meter, 9-ton sword, in the other - a shield measuring 13-8 m and weighing 13 tons with the image of the USSR coat of arms. The skeleton of the sculpture begins at a depth of 17.8 m, where a concrete well with a diameter of 34 m leaves. At the foot of the monument there is a museum of the Great Patriotic War