IX. Переведите предложения иа английский язык, обращай внима ние иа безличные предложении...

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IX. Переведите предложения иа английский язык, обращай внима ние иа безличные предложении и степени сравнеини прилага тельных.1. Петр самый высокий (мальчик) в классе. 2. Моя квартира менее удобная. 3. Зимой дни короче, чем летом, правда? 4. Какой месяц самый короткий в году? 5. Ваша дочь старше моей. Моей дочери только шесть, а вашей сел:ь, правда? 6. Это менее важный вопрос, давайте об судим его завтра, хорошо? 7. Было только девять часов, но, когда мы добрались до реки, мой брат уже сидел в лодке и ждал нас. 8. «Вы смотрите сейчас на самое высокое здание в Москве»,— сказал учитель детям. 9. Но вая квартира моей сестры удобнее и светлее, чем старая.10. Московские улицы красивее сейчас, чем они были несколько лет назад. П. Вы моложе вашей сестры? — Нет. 12. Не могли бы вы показать мне дорогу на Крас ную площадь? — Пожалуйста. Вы можете поехать туда на метро. У вас уйдет не более 20 минут. 13. Вы гово рите, что та книга трудна для вас. Возьмите эту. Она легче. 14. Анна — лучшая ученица в классе.VII. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где это необходимо,1. Though the watch was very expensive, he decided to buy it... her. 2. Please buy ... me some bread and sugar, will you? 3. 1 wonder whether the old man will sell all his pictures ... the museum. 4. The man didn’t sell his pictures ... the museum, he just„gave them away without taking any money ... them. 5. Though the shoes were her size and felt very comfortable, old Sally decided not to buy them because she thought they were too dear ... her. “I can’l pay so much ... a pair ... shoes”, she said ... the shop-assi stant. 6. Won’t you have another look ... these shoes?1 think it’s just the pair ... you. 7. He looked ... all the tele grams quickly, gave them ... the secretary ['sekratri] tc send off and also asked her to ring ... Mr Brown and tell ... him that he could come ... 10 if the time was suitable .. him. 8. “Would you like to buy any ... these watches?’ "No, I’m just looking ...” 9. “Excuse me, how do I get... the bookshop?" “It’s ... there the right”. 10. Will you please ask that man what time it is ... his watch. I’m afraid mine is ... five or six minutes slow.

Английский язык (32 баллов) | 63 просмотров
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1. Peter is the highest boy in the class. 2. My flat is less comfortable. 3. In winter the days are shorter, than in the summer, aren`t they? 4. What is the shortest month of the year? 5. Your daughter is older than mine. My daughter's only six and yours is seven, isn`t she? 6. This is a very important question, let's discuss it tomorrow, is it okay? 7. It was only nine o'clock, but when we got to the river, my brother had already been in the boat and waited for us. 8. «You are looking now at the tallest building in Moscow»,- said the teacher to the children. 9. The new flat of my sister is more comfortable and lighter than the old one.10. Moscow streets are more beautiful now than they were a few years ago. Are you younger than your sister? - No. I am not. 12. Could you show me the way to the Red square? – You are welcome. You can go there by subway. It will take not more than 20 minutes. 13. You say that that book is difficult for you. Take this one. It is easier. 14. Anna is the best student in the class.

  VII.   ,1. Though the watch was very expensive, he decided to buy it for her. 2. Please buy me some bread and sugar, will you? 3. 1 wonder whether the old man will sell all his pictures in the museum. 4. The man didn’t sell his pictures to the museum, he just gave them away without taking any money from them. 5. Though the shoes were her size and felt very comfortable, old Sally decided not to buy them because she thought they were too dear for her. “I can’t pay so much for a pair of shoes”, she said to the shop-assistant. 6. Won’t you have another look at these shoes?1 think it’s just the pair for you. 7. He looked through all the telegrams quickly, gave them to the secretary to send off and also asked her to ring Mr Brown and tell him that he could come in 10 if the time was suitable for him. 8. “Would you like to buy any of these watches?’ "No, I’m just looking narrowly” 9. “Excuse me, how do I get to the bookshop?" “It’s turn there the right”. 10. Will you please ask that man what time it is on his watch? I’m afraid mine is five or six minutes slow.

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