It was a hot, sunny day, sleeping flies were flying along the yard, mice were sitting in holes. The cat Fedot was bored and decided to go to Tuzik. Tuzik is the master dog. As always guarded the house and chased the chickens from their bowl of food. Fedot liked to go to Tuzik. He mewed at him or hissed, and Tuzik responded with barking or growling. Together they were never bored.
Tuzik, as usual, was skiing downhill at that time and frightened away the chickens. The snow sparkled, its language developed in the wind, it was good and fun. Then going down again he saw Fedot and driving past him, out of habit, jerked in his direction and fell.
Waking up, Tuzik saw a bowl of flies, stalking hens and cat Fedot, who looked at him with obvious curiosity. Tuzik barked for a long time, the hens scattered, Fedot hissed and another normal day began.
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