1."My son will play football and basketball",said the man.-The man wanted...2."You can go...

0 голосов
99 просмотров

1."My son will play football and basketball",said the man.-The man wanted...
2."You can go to the cinema with your friends",says my mother.-My mothet let's me...
3."Clean your room,now!"-said my brother.-My brother made me...
4."Wait for me after school,"said my friend to me.-My friend wanted...
5."It will be great if you enter the university"-said my father.My father would like...

Английский язык (1.4k баллов) | 99 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Правильный ответ

The man wanted his son to play football and basketball.
My mother let me go to the cinema with my friends.
My brother made me clean my room.
My friend wanted me to wait for him after school.
My father would like me to enter the university.

(433k баллов)

спасибо большое)Наконец хоть кто то правильно написал


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