Ex.1:Поставьте в пропуски some,any,no 1.There are ... pictures in the book. 2.Are there...

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46 просмотров

Ex.1:Поставьте в пропуски some,any,no
1.There are ... pictures in the book.
2.Are there ... foreign students in your group ?
3.There are ... old houses in our street.All of them are new.
4.Are there ... maps on the wall? - Yes, there are ... .
5.There is ... bulter in the fridge.Take it.
6.Have you got ... English books at home? - Yes, I have ... .
7.There is ... picture on this page.
8.There is ... ink in my pen. I can not write.
9.There are ... twenty new words in this English text.Translate them.
10.Have you got ... mistakes in your copy book ?
Ex.2:Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя оборот there is/there are
1.На столе есть книги.
2.На земле снег.
3.В комнате есть стулья ?
4.В кружке нет воды.
5.В холодильнике есть молоко.
6.В тексте есть новые слова.
7.В доме есть домашние животные ?
8.В коробке нет мела.
9.На полке есть журналы ?
10.На столе нет ножей
Ex.3:Заполните пропуски местоимениями much или many
1.He translates ... letters into English.
2.The teacher gives us ... tasks.
3.My brother drinks ... milk in the morning.
4.Kate gets ... telegrams on her birthdat.
5.My parents work too ... .
6.Does your son read ... books ?
7. ... students study two foreign languages.
8.We sent letters to ... foreign firms.
9.He puts ... sugar into his tea.
10.There is ... water in the bottle.

Английский язык (14 баллов) | 46 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов

1 some
2 any
3 some
4 any, some
5 some
6 any, some
7 no
8 no
9 some
10 any

1 There are books on the table.
2 There is snow on the ground.
3 Are there chairs in the room?
4 There is no water in the mug.
5 There is milk in the fridge.
6 There are new words in the text.
7 Are there domestic animals in the house?
8 There is no chalk in the box.
9 Are there magazines on the shelf?
10 There are no knives on the table.

1 many
2 many
3 much
4 many
5 much
6 many
7 many
8 many
9 much
10 much

(106 баллов)

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