Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужные формы страдательного залога. 1. Many guests...

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280 просмотров

Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужные формы страдательного
1. Many guests (be) invited to my birthday-party next Sunday. 2. These flowers (water) every day.
3. These vegetables (stew) for along time already. 4. Why the potatoes (not/peel) yet? 5. The order
(make) and the dishes (bring) in ten minutes. 6. Water melons (serve) for dessert tomorrow. 7. This
dining room (use) only on special occasions. 8. These beverages (make) from berries and sugar. 9.
The children (take) to the milk bar tomorrow. 10. Much fish (sell) in our shop yesterday. 11. This
thick soup (make) from vegetables. 12.The guests (be) served very well now. 13. Meat (sell) at the
butcher's. 14. This table (not/to be) served yesterday. 15. Table d'hote dishes (served) for dinner
tomorrow. 16. These chicken usually (roast) on the grill. 17. Restaurant specialties (serve) for
dinner tomorrow. 18. Ice cream (serve) for dessert every day. 19. Many new restaurants (open) in
Moscow every 'year

Английский язык (17 баллов) | 280 просмотров
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Many guests will be invited to my birthday party next Sunday.
These flowers are watered every day.
These vegetables have been stewed for along time already.
Why haven't the potatoes peeled yet?
The order will be made and the dishes will be brought in ten minutes.
Watermelons will be served for dessert tomorrow .
This dining room is used only on special occasion.
These beverages are made from vegetables.
The guests are being served very well now.
The children will be taken to the milk bar tomorrow.
Much fish was sold in our shop yesterday.
This table wasn't served yesterday.
Table d'hotes dishes will be served for dinner tomorrow.
These chicken is usually roasted on the grill.
Restaurant specialties will be served for dinner tomorrow.
Ice cream is served for dessert every day.
Many new restaurants are opened in Moscow every' year.

(235k баллов)