Завершите предложения, используя производные от слов справа.
In my opinion, it is ________ very strange. REAL
2. You can’t be ________ or ________ in the library. CHEER \ ACT
3. I prefer to find the ________ I need using my ________ computer. INFORM \ WONDER
4. ________ help ________ with the book they need. LIBRARY \ READ
5. It was a ________ trip to Scotland. LUCK
6. The birthday cake was ________. I didn’t like it. TASTE
7. Sport helps us to be ________. HEALTH
8. This ________ has 101 floors. BUILD
9. The ________ of the shop helped us with the purchase. MANAGE
10. We were surprised to see that long article written by the ________ ________. GOOD \ JOURNAL.